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Technology can't live with it can't live without it....

Kinda like women.... :hole:

My new iPhone lasted 8 days. It decided to lock me out - slide bars unresponsive. Then upon reboot flickers in a disturbing way and still kept me locked out. I hadn't had a chance for a full backup either. It has been sent back so I am now with a crapy loan phone with no contacts. Hope to get a new one that lasts a bit longer. Technology can't live with it can't live without it....

Hi Mate

Mine has been good so far (touch wood ) as long as you do not want to make calls :o.,no just kidding,where i live the reception is usually 1 bar on the scale,no problems at all.

You should have taken it straight back to apple ,they would have replaced straight away ,I think its called dead on arrival policy.

Hope you get it back real soon



Hi Mate

Mine has been good so far (touch wood ) as long as you do not want to make calls :o.,no just kidding,where i live the reception is usually 1 bar on the scale,no problems at all.

You should have taken it straight back to apple ,they would have replaced straight away ,I think its called dead on arrival policy.

Hope you get it back real soon



Yes took it back to Vodafone (the provider/retailer) as soon as it happened. Got a brand new one today (obviously not reparable). Just getting it loaded up again... lost all my cigar and humidor data on MobileStogie though. That took me hours to enter, bugga. Will definitely have my sync options sorted correctly from now on!

My advice of the day - back up your stuff now! This one does seem to have better reception so far and GPS works sweet indoors (last one was less acurate). The result of mass produced technology squeezed into a tiny package?

I was starting to suffer withdrawl big time! How sad...

Thanks lads.


I want an iphone


Texas Man Watches His Home Getting Robbed Via iPhone



Imagine watching a home burglary in real time. Now imagine that it's your home.

That's what happened to Vince Hunter of Dallas last week as he and his wife were visiting family 1,500 miles away in Connecticut.

On Friday, while Hunter was out pumping gas, a $4.99 iPhone app called iCam sent Hunter a text message that the motion detectors in his house had been activated. Using his phone, he was able to watch live video captured by webcams he'd installed around his home.

"I check the footage, and see in real time guys in this area, and they're kind of hunched over. They'd just broken the glass. I said holy cow, I gotta call 911," he said.

Alerted by the same message, Hunter said his wife called, and he asked her to notify the security company.

"I go back to the footage, sure enough, they're in the backyard checking things out. They're throwing bricks ... at the tempered glass and they can't break it three times. Finally, it appears they wind up and kind of go back in that area, and they just hurl this brick through the glass and ... this brick ends up in our living room," he said.

As Hunter continued to watch, he saw the police arrive a few minutes later, guns drawn. But the burglars had already taken off, spooked by the home's alarm system.

iCam App Lets Users Watch Video From Anywhere in the World

"You know, it was surreal. It really was. The first thing I couldn't believe is that we could do this on our cell phone. Really? A cell phone?" he said.

The Hunter's home had been broken into before, so they had invested in an elaborate security system. Three different cameras allow Hunter to watch surveillance video from any computer. But with the iCam app for his iPhone, he can watch the video from anywhere in the world.

This time, Hunter watched as the robbers ran away empty-handed. But his neighbor wasn't as lucky.

Police believe the pair cleaned out her house just minutes before reaching the Hunters' home.

"They're just hoodlums! The fact that they just keep doing this over and over ... they have to be stopped," said burglary victim Julie McDonald.

iPhone App Helped Capture Visuals of the Thieves

As police try to track down the thieves, the footage captured on Hunter's iPhone will help them.

The neighbors did see the car take off, so we've got a visual on the car, great video on the two suspects," Hunter said. "We really want to get them caught. There's a lot of burglaries in this neighborhood. And I think the software on our phones really helped out. I mean, it really made a difference."

GMA Technology Contributor Becky Worley's Tips on iPhone Security Options

If you want to use your iPhone to protect your home, you can follow these simple steps: Download iCam to your iPhone or iPod Touch and the iCamSource program to your webcam-equipped computer.

Start the iCamSource application on your computer and follow the directions on the setup screen, including selecting the camera and entering a log-in ID and password.

Launch the iCam app on your phone and enter the same log-in ID and password.

The program lets you stream video and audio from up to four computer webcams at the same.

The downside to this system is that it uses computer webcams, which makes it difficult to use the computer for other purposes.

Another option, which will free up all of the computers in your home, is the Dropcam Wi-Fi security camera.

For about $200 and a $10 monthly fee, all you need is Wi-Fi to monitor your house from anywhere in the world, using your computer or mobile device.

Motions trigger alerts, which are sent to you via text or e-mail. Then you can watch the video from your phone. The interface is dead simple and takes only five minutes to setup.

One drawback to security systems like these is false positives, set off by roaming cats or dogs. But some programs include a thumbnail image of what the camera sees in the alert text or e-mail. That way you can know if the motion sensor was activated by a real intruder or your pet.

Texas Man Watches His Home Getting Robbed Via iPhone

Tech has been around for a few years that enables you to see live feeds from your security system with email/SMS alerts. Nothing new, but still a nifty app.

Tech has been around for a few years that enables you to see live feeds from your security system with email/SMS alerts. Nothing new, but still a nifty app.

You're right but that 'Was' text/SMS not video on a smart phone... :peace:

It's a reinvention of the wheel really.

Mobile phones did not exist not so long ago but the telephone did for quite some time, an evolution on technology.

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