Couple of years ago I was at my favorite vendor buying cigars. Strolling around and checking the shelves if I can find a old box of my favorite marcas.
And I swear by the Trinity of the Holy Guacamole and the Love of God the lid of these Bachilleres were talking to me: buy me, I am the box you were searching for! She was whispering. Scratching my head and thinking: what kind of bullshit you are talking to me. Your sister Non Plus never brought me pleasure and in my opinion they should rename it into Bullshit Non Plus.
Yeah point taken, she is a bit overestimated. But I won't let you down!
Ha, why?
Because I am the little sis, like you.
Okay point taken. And are you sure about all you whispering words?
YES, my love.
So it will be.
They are not the prettiest sticks but also not the ugliest.
The initial puffs are sweet, sweet as candy floss.
Thoughts are wandering around. What had happened in the year 1999. My parents had there 40th wedding anniversary- big party. I moved into another city and my father had died - I am still missing him. He was one of a kind.
Don't know if it is the cigar or the thoughts of my father - hell I am getting thirsty.
Compared to the size of the stick, quite big volume of smoke.
Smoked already half through the box and every cigar is different and every cigar has her own surprise in it. This one as the taste of green fresh tip of a fir, bit resiny.
Dry salty smoke, like spending a day at the sea side and coming home the salt of the air is still on your lips.
If ever a box is talking to you, you better listen ?
Hope you enjoyed the review. I did enjoy the cigar ?