You live in a future dystopian world where Habanos S.A. lets you have access to unlimited regular production cigars from every current marca. The only catch is that you can only choose one cigar from each. Faced with this conundrum, what are your choices? You can pick one form every marca, but no more, or you can avoid any marcas all together. Mine are...
Bolivar - Petit Coronas, Cohiba - Lancero, Diplomaticos - No.2 , ERDM - Choix Supreme, H. Upp - Mag 50, HDM - des Dieux, JLP - Cazadores, Juan Lopez - Petit Coronas, LGC - MdO No.2, Monte - Especial No.1, Party - 8-9-8, Por Larry - Montecarlos, Ramon Allones - Specially Selected, RyJ - Exhibicion No.4, SLR - Regios, San Cristobal - El Principe, Trini - Fundadores, VR - Famosos