Anyone here with season tickets or plan to attend some games this year?
This will be my 5th year of season tickets for the Raiders, and, uh, I picked a really bad time to start buying them. It's been a few small victories mixed in with a lot of incompetent, losing football. Because they've been so bad, though, the tickets are pretty cheap (relative to other NFL tickets). $225 for 9 home games this year (they make you buy 2 pre-season games ) They're playing a game in Mexico City this year, which I was hoping to attend, but I'm not sure I'll make it now. Every year, I have foolish optimism, but this should be the best team they've had since they went to Super Bowl after the 2002 season. I am trying not to get too excited, but if things go well this year, they should be able to compete for a playoff spot. And if things don't work out well, the Golden State Warriors start in October right next door...
What team do you root for, and are you excited for the upcoming season?