I received an email from MRN this morning regarding Hong Kong's success in fighting the COVID-19 virus.
MRN is an active practicing physician in Hong Kong and has reported that Hong Kong has had great success in today achieving ZERO confirmed new cases of the virus, and in fact over the past week, the rate has been in the single digits.
He commends the practice of Social Distancing and the wearing of facemasks.
This is one of the very few occasions that MRN discloses his profession, but he feels that as a medical doctor his obligation is to save lives.
This is a picture of MRN seeing fever patients last March.
Hong Kong (as distinct from Mainland China) has had great success in combating the virus and has excellent track record in medical care.
For example:
Life expectancy:
Infant mortality rate:
Hong Kong Infant Mortality Rate 1950-2020