There has been numerous topics on ideal storage conditions yet few if any on ideal smoking conditions. As much as storage conditions play a part in how a cigar performs there are other factors that can be taken into account such as the weather, temperature, relative humidity, previous storage conditions, inside/outside plus others such as psychological factors etc. These factors effect the flavour, burn and overall experience of a cigar to varying degrees.
I realise that each cigar is an individual and even if all conditions are ideal it's possible you're still going to have a bad experience. So please, if answering assume there isn't any issues with the cigar such as a tight draw etc.
Now, I'm wondering what people's opinions on this topic are.
So, I pose two questions.
What are the ideal or perfect conditions(Relatively) for smoking a cigar? The scientific approach eg. Explaining the humidity and temperature of the environment the cigar is smoked in and it's effect on the cigar in terms of burn, flavour and any other relevant metric.
What do you think are the ideal smoking conditions? Based on prior experience etc. Include any factors you see relevant a few of which are listed above.
There is a possibility to run a poll later with just temperature and the RH of the smoking environment, based on all other factors being considered ideal whatever that maybe as each person has different ideals, even if they're not scientifically correct.
Personally I couldn't answer the first question but for the second one I would say a temperature between 20-25 ⁰C with RH around 20-30%, ignoring other factors. Based on storage at approx RH62-65% and temp 16-18⁰C. These conditions haven given me the best smoking experience.
To avoid certain members bagging others it might be a good idea to not attempt to answer the first question if you don't have a scientific background or relevant knowledge.