Since 2 years I have been running my humidor cabinet with a self-developed Arduino based humidifier. And I'm very happy with it. But for some time already annoyed me that the used Relay Shield clacks minimal and the flying wired Protoshield, although you can not see, looked like a permanent provisional arrangement.
The resulting solution is a self-developed and professionally produced control board, which combines both Shields and works with electronic transistors instead of mechanical relays. In order to have more options for the future, the circuit was designed somewhat universally.
The photo was taken from my cigar-blog.
Here are the new main features:
12V input voltage
Power supply for all 5V Arduino models (Uno, Leonardo, Mega, Yun)
Up to 4 independently readable hygrometer
Up to 4 independently controllable fans (convection and/or humidifier)
Display via I²C bus connectable
The specific setup for my humidor is:2 LED-stripes for lighing
1 self-monitoring hygrometer (consisting of 3 hygrometer type AM2303)
1 humidifier
1 convection fan
Display 2x16
The photo was taken from my cigar-blog.
The accompanying blog articles:
April 28, 2013: New Humidor with "HumidorControl F"
May 17, 2015: Humidor control with HumiCon-Shield
And if the question comes up: I do not sell these shields.