Today marks a new stage in the Cuban Cigar
Today full Ownership & Control passes to Alexander Groom. Paperwork is yet to be done but this is just a formality.
CCW started in 2006 and Alex has been behind the scenes since 2008, utilising his programing skills and providing valuable input and assistance.
For the past two years Alex has undertaken day to day operation of the website as well as introducing several new features; notably the collection management feature.
Alex has my full support, thanks, friendship, and I will happily provide him with any assistance I can.
I would also like to note that Alex’s involvement with the CCW has always been freely and graciously given and totally without any monetary reward.
I would urge all uses of the website to consider making a donation to assist Alex in the future maintenance & development the website.
Finally I would like to thank Rob, FOH members, and everyone who contributed in one way or another in making CCW “The World's Best Cuban Cigar Website”.