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Everything posted by nick17

  1. These are amazing I rotate between these and monty 2s Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  2. These Arrived today from our host, as a note they were shipped out on the 24th of jun and arrived today!
  3. Next week on FOH Prez contracts a mysterious illness believed to come from a beverage containing "white fungus" he consumed while in Vietnam! Stay tuned for updates on his condition & cigars!
  4. Sounds like Ontario's LOVELY smoking ban... I enjoy walking down the busy downtown Toronto streets smoking a cigar it can some times clear a path
  5. It looks like they are going to give me a credit for the value of what I payed so I should be ok if not well might not order from them again. My biggest concern is going to be when I go to cut it the cap is going to break off completely and its going to unravel but we shall see I might have to cut the cap with a small pair of scissors and hopefully keep it from getting worse if I don't try to repair it
  6. Where do normally find fruit pictin?
  7. I have a box my self and love them
  8. I recently received a box of Partagas Seleccion Privada's and at first glance looked beautiful how ever when I was inspecting each cigar I discovered that one was badly cracked at the head. I have smoked cigars with slight crack and even smoke cigars that have creaked and the wrapper has come off completely but with this cigar I am hesitating to smoke it as I would have to destroy it or have a bad impression of the cigar. So how do you or how would you deal with this, I have thought about smoking it backwards.
  9. Amazing, I need to save and buy Rolex or a IWC Portuguese
  10. I have only ever had one cigar with a beetle hole and it was discovered upon receiving a box and inspecting those that I noticed the hole I tossed the cigar and froze that one box for a few days haven't had any issues since. I also never freeze any boxes unless I have evidence of beetles. I believe (& correct me if I am wrong) the beetle eggs need the right temperature to hatch that temperature being above 75F so I have always tried to keep the temp below 70.
  11. I love Partagas cigars how ever the 6 or so 898's that I have had have not been that good now I will be honest the first one I had was awful it tasted like glue and smelled like chemical, a few months later I had another crack at it this one was much better and this one is probably the only good 898 I have ever had the rest were just not worth smoking it might be that I have just had bad luck with the 898 and Plan on revisiting it in the future but based on the ones I have had thus far not impressed so thumbs down.
  12. when you can find them LGC Md'Or No2 (I'm smoking one right now and it is fantastic so far)
  13. a friend of mine just picked these up in Mexico, he posted them on facebook to show them off, he is still there so I messaged him privately to try and get his money back
  14. interesting this will keep the counterfeiters on their toes and help prevent counterfeits
  15. so apparently I have tempted losing my torch lighter three times now :s twice going into the US and once in Iceland I had it in my carry on with my cigars and didn't have any issues but next time definitely putting it in my check bag. hope you get your lighter back Lotusguy
  16. For mr I would say about 30% of the cigars I smoke I re-cut for one reason or another lately i have been getting the brow tar after about the half way mark but that could be because I am smoking in a cold garage and that might be making that happen more frequently so if I take that out I would say 10-15% tops
  17. wow good on you for the donation! as well good luck!
  18. this might be a good project for anyone on here who is a programmer I know i would love to have a rely well sorted cigar app
  19. you guys wanted him so keep him! we rely don't want him back!
  20. "I'm getting the distinct flavor of beetle"
  21. thanks for posting! I watched this last night and was kind of disappointed I thought i would be more then this and I'm not a huge fan of his I felt as if i was being spoken down to almost. but I'm not going to complain to much I got to watch it for free
  22. Ya I guess there rely would be any risk for me it's just a thought of something else crawling out of the cigar as I'm smoking it
  23. had this in a box of H.upmann Le's from 2012, one stick had a hole I didn't notice it until I had been smoking from the box. I haven't had any issues with beetles and if I had noticed when I got the box I would have put them in the freezer to be safe. another question is would any one "risk" smoking that cigar?
  24. beautiful pickups if i can ever get my hands on any LGC's I do

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