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Everything posted by ohioldd

  1. · Sunday 12th (NY) /Monday 13th 12pm Brisbane time/10 pm NY Time
  2. Happy Birthday to you and I!
  3. I am on for Sunday 24th (NY)/Monday 12PM Brisbane time/9pm NY Time
  4. Atlantis Paradise Island Resort in Nassau Bahamas
  5. Good luck and welcome aboard!
  6. Here ya go: http://www.friendsofhabanos.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=114072&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  7. Nice!
  8. Best wishes Smithy! May the Force be with you!
  9. Previous discussion: http://www.friendsofhabanos.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=111352&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  10. 2007 H Upmann Robusto Travel Humidor

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