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About cubanmule7

  • Birthday 11/07/1960

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  • Location
    South Florida

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  1. RASS is my favorite with the VR very close behind!
  2. I know it's too late but the VR Famosas are my current favorite followed by RASS.
  3. I'm with Colt on this one, With two of my three kids singing all the latest hits most all day long I'd just rather retire to the patio and listen to the wind rustling through the trees....Oh and hear my own thoughts for a change.
  4. BEARS WIN!! 28 Packers 21......I'm clairevoyant. By the way pay no attention to the avatar! Can't wait for game time!! P.S. I will concede that Rodgers is a great QB, but Urlacher and briggs will take him DOWN!! Sorry Chance.
  5. I'm from chicago and for me, I always enjoyed the burger at Hackney's. On a trip to LA I had the pleasure to experience an In and Out burger and yes it was awesome! The best to me has to be the Veal burger I've had in Buenos Aires, Half pound of veal toped with bacon , lettuce , tomato and onion.
  6. "Da Bears" will Kick the Packs collective Ass!!
  7. Stay safe guy's, a friend of mine posted a video of Bull Sharks swiming in the flood waters of brissy!! GOOD LORD SHARKS I TELL YOU!! SHARKS! Please, watch where you walk.
  8. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care of your families first and foremost!
  9. For me and my family, there is no better dog than the Golden Retriever. Gentle with kids, Loyal to the family, Stoic and protective and a playful temperment. We're on our second one and shedding aside we have no complaints.
  10. This post started out kind of slow but now the responses are picking up....interesting. I always thought this would be a great topic because I believe everyone (who loves cigars) has had at least one special moment in their lives where there was some defining moment (when they were young) related to a cigar that they will never forget. Would love to hear more stories!
  11. Ok, smoked one on New Years and I gotta tell ya THIS WAS DA BOMB!! WOW what an incredible smoke! Alot of flavors, very rich and very tasty! If you haven't had one ....get one now! This was a very young one but it was very nice.
  12. VR Famoso and it was from a 01/10 box and it was incredible! very tasty.
  13. I've noticed that whenever I drink a little more than I should and smoke a cigar....the next morning I have a horrible hangover! Now believe me I can drink most people under the table and wake up feeling ok, not great but good. When I drink and have a cigar I'm hurting most of the next day. Just a really powerfull hangover. Some may say it's the nicotine but I've chewed tobacco for 32 years so i'm used to it. The obvious answer is don't drink so much and thats fine but what is it about cigars that causes this? Has anybody else experienced this?
  14. I am far from being a germophobe but that would gross me out. If a friend wants to try one of my smokes, I just give them a fresh unsmoked one.

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