Thanks Andrew, for bringing these up..
I have picked up 3 of these over the last 6 months, they are sold at the counter of local alcohol wholesalers in almost militant looking tubos which attracted me to give them a try (don't know what that says about me). I generally avoid purchases from this sort of outfit but thought they looked kind of cute cocooned in the little screw top tubos. As such not that cheap and cheerful. Much better (pricewise and storage wise) to get from a dedicated cigar supplier.
But I was pleasently surprised as I wasn't expecting much. Similar thoughts to yourself although I wouldn't have called my examples complex, I almost prefer the final third of such a cigar, when things get 'a bit' more bold and not as mild. I would sum it up as a fairly mild, mellow cigar, on the sweet side but not overly complex but easy to smoke if you are in the mood for a relatively short chill out smoke with no great expectations.
I might pick up a couple of singles for the humidor, but wouldn't get a box myself. Worth a try if you haven't.