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Everything posted by Freefallguy

  1. Found this in the shop today and was reminded it's FOH anny month. I first signed on 10 FEB 2005; fifteen years, wow. Huge congrats to you mi hermano and all the best to all the crew!
  2. Last smoke of the week in Nicaragua, Monte 2 Especial... cracker!
  3. Monte 2 (OPM ENE 08) and another HC7 Cuba Libre. Monte an unctuous volume of coffee and light cream; the HC7 my go to for a Cuba Libre. Je serais sec si ce n'était pas pour un bon ami canadien.
  4. Thanks amigos; it's been too long. It wouldn't be Havana without Tuerto!
  5. They are superb; why not try one now and see if you have the same experience? You can always lay them down a bit longer. Let me know what you think, please.
  6. El Gato Tuerto You can’t visit Havana and not experience El Gato Tuerto; you can’t go in and NOT come out with a story... First time traveling with the doyen of Aussie wines and second with a purported Conveyance Lawyer, who once did time in Washington, DC, the three of us hit EGT our first night in Cuba. Fantastic musica Cubana in a small club setting. Evening wore on and as jet lag had us knackered, Sir Doyen and I seated at the bar turned to ConLaw, who had been hovering behind us throughout the evening, to suggest we head back to our casa particular. ConLaw not to be found. We each, separately, use/checked the facilities, no ConLaw. We waited thirty odd minutes, ConLaw remains AWOL, and decide we'd call it a night. Taxi ride back to the house and we’re greeted by the housekeeper, saying, “We were worried about you, your friend has been here for over an hour.” “Really?”, we asked. “Yes, and he brought someone with him, they’re in his room!” THAT was enough to set off the very proper Sir Doyen. Storming into the house he pounded his fist on the door shouting for the ConLaw to show himself. Not a peep; more pounding, still nothing. I’m in stitches over it all, but not about to laugh aloud. Next morning ConLaw is all fresh and a giggle over the previous evening’s excitement, Sir Doyen’s ire abated, somewhat, but it was what I was to learn later that shed proper light on the soiree. I was advised by a third VERY esteemed Aussie mate that what better place than EGT for ConLaw to achieve his biannual rite of coitus. True story dat; names have beed changed purely to incite the offending party. Sidebar: To this day I can neither confirm nor deny the gender of the mystery guest. Pandora, out.
  7. SLRDC with an HC 7 Cuba Libre on the patio under the stars; uber rich DC.
  8. Didn't want to jack the robusto time thread so started over here... Aussie mates, Punch Joe and I met up with Elena on the patio of the Nacional. Beautiful sweetheart of a Russian woman... But, she directed this invective at me as I meandered through a BBF: "Shut up and smoke!" Gotta love a woman like that.
  9. Hi Mus, Mate, your funds were delivered and Roberto was gobsmacked at your generosity! Thank you immensely on my part as well!! cheers mate
  10. Ken, seriously, Martha Stewart?? As my youngest son would say, "Check your man card, at the door."
  11. Mate, you are amongst the most generous of men. You're help has made a tremendous difference in the lives of many many kids. We definitely need to catch up for smokes in Havana. Muchas gracias hermano!! Ironically, many of the cigars above are older than the kids we'll help.
  12. I know I've been away for a bit, but is this for real... has Smithy taken a job in Colonial Williamsburg???
  13. Greetings all!! Still trying to catch up from my travels abroad, but I'd be amiss if I didn't pop on here sooner than later with an update from last month's trip south… Roberto and his network are still running full tilt. I personally carried the proceeds of Toronto's MegaHerf III to Nicaragua back in January. The money has been put to good use… we now have feeding locations in 15 of the 16 departments(states) in Nicaragua. We're working on the last one. Here are shots from two locales, naturally all the kids got food, and a bit more: I carried a grab bag of Beanie Babies on this jaunt… Some photos from my ongoing portrait project… What follow are some images from the northern most part of the country. I've not made this trip, it's 6 hours by truck and another 3 hours on foot; I just haven't yet had the piss and vinegar to go. I'll give props to Roberto for these shots… Now… to my sweetheart… Esmeralda has been battling leukemia since early last year… Last month… Seeing her with those beautiful curls had more than just tearing up, in a good way. I cannot express deeply enough the profound gratitude I have to all of my brethren here who so generously donate, publicly and privately… but, Muchas Gracias Amigos!!
  14. I was at that concert when that photo was taken! May 14th, Hershey Park, PA; girl friend arranged it for my birthday. 2hrs:56mins 21 songs 8 encore songs Highlight of the evening… Bruce singing "Surprise Surprise" and my sweetie planting a birthday kiss on me. Gorgeous!
  15. Good Friday, 2007: Barossa Shiraz with steak and egg sandwiches and a Don Alejandro custom on the deck of one fine mate with my sons punting a rugby ball about the front lawn. Wine and cigar both premiers, experience… epic!
  16. Hey Mus… Just a quick note to you and all here acknowledging receipt of funds via PayPal… muchas muchas gracias amigo!! Looking forward to sitting down to smokes with you, sooner than later mate. Cheers, Rob
  17. Hey Simon, Riaz, Un grand merci à vous deux pour votre orcestration et tous nos amis canadiens qui non seulement avaient une soirée agréable, mais l'ont fait de bon cœur, pour les enfants, bien sûr. By my reckoning the money raised will sweeten the plates of over 14,570 kids. Again, a huge thank you to all involved!!
  18. Greetings all! Prodded by volunteer work I do here at home, US, I started taking portraits of the kids in NIcaragua back last July. I distributed several dozen when I returned this February and shot loads more. I haven't tweaked them all yet, but guessing somewhere between 150-200, 5" x 7"s going back with me next jaunt. Thought you might like to see some of "my" kids… Some are "babies" having babies… All beautiful kids, but one has taken my heart. Esmeralda, a leukemia victim in chemo, is still a gorgeous child. Thanks for letting me share… Rob S
  19. Hey Khalil, Looks like you had an amazing trip… fine cigars, good food, catching up with relatives, meeting new folk, and dashing around the Middle East for a month. As a vagabond traveler I'm more than a bit envious. :/ Even more amazing your dogged determination to make a difference in young lives in NIcaragua. Your donation alone will feed over 3,200 children! As well, through you encouragement members have contacted me via PM to contribute. All good! You're a good man mate, hope to catch up with you over smokes down the road. Cheers, Rob S
  20. Hey Kahlil, Back from Nicaragua, and apols but neglected to post here earlier. Great work and gorgeous cigars. Safe travels!
  21. Thanks all for the kudos and well wishes, but it truly is a labor of love. Again, to those who have contributed here or behind the scenes, muchas muchas gracias!
  22. Greetings all! I've been away far too long, but fresh back from my latest trip to Nicaragua… back to arse deep snow in my driveway. Still trying to catch up. Ugh. Anyway, amazing things happening down there. For those of you new to what we do there, I work with a network of folks feeding kids, and now pregnant women and some elderly, throughout Nicaragua. My "work" is merely to be a conduit of funding, and introduce/expose people around the world to the need. Nicaragua is second only to Haiti as the poorest country in the western hemisphere. In country Roberto M. is my go to man. He coordinates receipt and distribution of rice/soy or potato/soy packets provided by larger organizations, chiefly from the States. Our part, those of you who have contributed(which is the majority of you, even at $1/box it's a big help!) is to flavor the cook pot with chicken, onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers(capsicum), carrots and chayote squash. Rob "Don" Ayala visited with me back in FEB 2009(mate can you believe it's been five years already?) and out of that visit he chose to begin donating proceeds from each box sold. Therein began a cascade of other contributors, of which we've seen an avalanche from our northern friends in Canada! To the amazing part, Roberto gave me his report of December and the totals read like this: 239 feeding locations in 15 sectors around the country 16,835 children registered 3024 pregnant/elderly registered and…… 176,635 meals served in December!!! Incredible!!! Just a couple of photos from this jaunt… The money from the Toronto Mega Herf III was delivered. Roberto was astonished that people he did not know, and did not know him, would be so generous. That money alone will sweeten the pot for 118,000 meals! A couple of shots from around the state of Carazo… I had some friends along on this trip who were kind enough to fund, pack and distribute toiletry kits… Great things are being done in Nicaragua… with a huge help from our Friends of Habanos!! Words cannot begin to express my gratitude, but thank you all, sincerely. I have more photos to post of a new project, but that's for a different thread, another day. Cheers-Rob S.
  23. Hi Keith- shocked and so sorry to hear of your loss my friend. I've been away too long; had no idea. You and those you love are in my prayers.
  24. Ken- Before we went to Costa Rica Rob warned me your fly casting was akin to a "dance of death." Not to "cast" aspersions my friend, but that was why I cowered behind the center console as you cast. I was frightened, very frightened.

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