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  1. Great Snaps Madandana, It was great to meet you guys and I hope our paths cross again. I hope you don't mind me posting up this picture up. It captures a lot from the FOH party....
  2. Great Snaps HabanaMike, thanks for sharing. Here are mine from the beach...
  3. Sorry - I'm Irish. I had Monaghan in my head.
  4. I am going to be in NYC this weekend. Is anyone going to the CA big smoke at Peir 92 on Thursday night? Given that I've cozied up to every other Cigar Forum's parties, FOH ones in particular, I figure an unofficial rebel FOH Herf (tickets purchased obviously) at a CA 'do' is wholly appropriate.
  5. Great photos thanks for sharing, and great to meet you in Havana.
  6. I love this onion/Cuba analogy. It works so well on so many levels - many many layers and the more you reveal the more you cry from passion, emotion and pain. It doesn't help when one of your roomies is Yoda; by afternoon on my last day I couldn't even figure out if I was the droid I was looking for. Hence the lack of goodbyes at the Nacional (sorry); the Robs, Yoda and Nat (and the pulled pork street sandwich) broke me. However, I understand that even as the empire strikes back there are plans for multiple FOH Jedi to return in February (if any of you know any wookies or R2 units - now is the time to call them). I'll bring my goggles.
  7. Happy Days Rob - what a wonderful experience. Can't wait to get to the next layer.
  8. Found in Mayfair London! Mus is looking as well as can be expected for someone 2 weeks into Ebola. But on the positive side, he wasn't suffering from the Havana Hangover, and hasn't eaten Caribbean Duck for sometime, so we actually got to hang out for more than 10 minutes at a time. I'm loving being the other Rob, two FOH herfs in a week. I'm on a role and could get used to this.
  9. Hi Habana Mike, and the rest of the community. It was fantastic to meet up with many of you in Havana. I struggled with names there - but adding in Forum IDs has me totally thrown, so excuse my lack of references. I hope I'm doing the right thing by adding my snaps of the opening night to this post, as opposed to creating a new one. So here goes: We all managed to find our seats at a series of tables strategically located on the periphery to facilitate a speedy exit in the event that the heavy rain came: The formalities began with the Partagas team being welcomed on stage. Hamlet made a grand entrance to rapturous applause from the FOH tables which surprised the audience, and more so all of Hamlets bosses. It was a somber start to the evening as tribute was made to Massimo de Giovanni who had recently passed away: Rob soon had us distracted, and enjoying ourselves again, personally selecting cigars for forum members from the various handouts: The dancing troops put up a show as the mist turned to drizzle: After a great night, a small rebel group of diehards aimed for the Gato Tuerto for a nightcap:
  10. Hi everyone, DublinCigarSmoker is me Rob Fox. I cant wait to catch up with you all in Havana. I intend to attend the Monday night opening event, although I haven't seen any details yet. I have always purchased tickets in the Partagas shop - but have never bought for a large group. Last year the event was a big open air affair with i estimate 20 / 30 tables of 10, with dinner served at the table. Judging from past events you really cant determine a consistent dress code. If this years event is anything like the previous ones I have attended there will be people in shorts / polos, in trousers / guayabera, and in suits / ties. Personally, I will be wearing a suit and tie but that's only because I need to at least try to convince my directors that I am actually at work, and usually its only photos from very early in the evening at the first event that are suitable and appropriate for circulation. Without any "work" consideration I would be wearing trousers / shirt.

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