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Marevas (2/5)

  1. Congrats to the big winners and everybody else who managed greatness for even one week. This is so much fun every year. Thanks for hosting FOH.
  2. Serious moment of panic when I thought I might be too late. Look forward to this every year. Thanks FOH.
  3. Not especially educated on the subject and don’t carry much baggage ideologically, culturally, or otherwise so I’m probably a decent stand in for the average (US anyway) consumer. I don’t get it. Hybrid seems like the better answer. Honestly, with 40% efficient ICE already available and 50% not far off, not sure either ev or hybrid make sense at all. It all seems like a bridge to some future tech anyway, so not sold on the need. My understanding is that the grid is not even close to able to support widespread at home charging and the fights over the expansion of that infrastructure make improvements incredibly expensive and slow if not altogether impossible. Which makes sense honestly. I don’t want to live below a new set of transmission lines across the street from a new transformer station. At the same time the world is turning away from nuclear so now I’m forgoing a 40% efficient ICE engine delivering power to my vehicle for a 35% efficient coal or gas powerplant offsite and the immense infrastructure required to deliver that power to me with another ~5% lost in transmission. And we haven’t even touched on the battery inputs, maintenance costs and everything else I’m forgetting. Just doesn’t add up for me. I am absolutely sold on the dream of self driving cars and look forward to that future, whoever the winners may be. Disheartened by the difficulties and delays in this space, but believe it’s a matter of when, not if. Will not be encouraging my kids to pursue careers in auto body repair.
  4. My trophy for skillfully lucking into a weekly nfl pickem win. Stockpiling all the luck I can get my hands on for 2024. Thanks FOH!
  5. Congrats to the winners. Never found my groove this year but still had a blast. Thanks FOH for the chance to play. Honestly look forward to it every season.
  6. Wk7 could be the springboard that launches me all the way into the top 75 and beyond Currently sitting in 77th and looks like @El Presidente is next on the hit list lol! Even in a bad season I think this format is so fun.
  7. My buddy got his roof replaced a couple months back. Want to guess what option he was given at the bottom of the invoice?
  8. I’ll second the Aladinos, really like the elegante in the regular natural corojo line. For cc, anything RG at a decent price has been best value for me.
  9. Honestly embarrassing. 85 wins might be enough to run away with it.
  10. anemic twins offense has them in 5th if I’m reading this right
  11. CI already queuing up the ‘There’s Gold in Them Hills: Oliva Golden Goodies 95% Off’ promo emails.
  12. Nice review. Can anyone comment on how it compares to other vitolas in the epernay line?

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