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Everything posted by DixeyJ

  1. Romero y Julietta Belicosos (Date and box code not known) Brought in Cambridge last month tl;dr - first time for this stick but best standard production I've had in a long while (maybe ever). Perfect draw and construction, with a lighter more woody profile than other RyJ blends (i.e. the Churchill series) Taste 9 Draw 10 Burn 9 Build 10 Overall 9.5 ++++ This was a wonderful surprise! I'm a big fan of RyJ which got me back into cigars a few years ago. Some people speak rather dismissively about Romeo's, usually seeing them as a 'starters blend' to be moved on from. I have always loved their profile and find them a firm go to (usually the Churchill series or the Petit Royales for a short smoke). Knew I was in for a treat from the dry drawer which was perfect and continued to be so throughout. After toasting the burn was razor sharp down for a good inch and half, with a lovely compact stacked ash - one of the many reasons I love RyJ is that they build their cigars beautifully! Similar ash breaking off neatly into thirds for the smoke. Only gave one minor touch up towards the end as I had been chatting too much but nothing I would knock off points for. Flavour was lovely and a tad lighter than other RyJs I had. Body light to medium until the last third where it built to medium. Strength medium. Cool throughout. Beautiful light woody notes with some sweet biscuity character coming through more as it went on. Felt closer to the tubed series blend than the Churchill series (which has more oomph and stone fruit notes) Paired with a couple pints of Fuller's Spring Golden Ale which balanced the cigar wonderfully. Brewers notes below. Highly recommended. Would buy a box. My new favourite RyJ and best standard production cigar I've had in ages. Also loved the belicosos format.
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  2. Oooo thanks, I'll give that a gander
  3. Tbf I'm proof of this too
  4. Fair enough, I'll have to try it when feeling bold This is one that sounds like a joke but I'm sure would work well as both Weiss bier and some rums have a fair amount of banana flavour and I've paired them before
  5. I mean sure that's a given! Still the differences still seem mad I'll admit I was being hyperbolic, but what I meant was it's less the overall price and more that you can get similar bedroom houses for wildly different prices. It's different in the UK (speaking generally) as house price is more based on rooms, rather than square footage and things are built differently
  6. I feel like you're pulling my leg now 🤣
  7. That's lovely! My son also loves trying to have a poke around in my desktop humi. The Monte A is a great idea (only had the Sanchos in a similar size), as that's an appropriately special stick. I kept meaning to buy a box to mark my son's birth (even if just for myself to have on his birthday). I fear now that might be too tricky to arrange...will have to keep an eye out on Bond Roberts Yeah I wouldn't want to push anything on my children. While I smoked cigarettes I would rather they didn't, but tbh I would rather actual tabacco rater than vapes or pouches that they are pushing on younguns nowadays A good way of going about it! Think I'd do something shorter as well for the lighter option (Perla or smaller). As if they did want to try one I fear a robusto right off the bat might be slightly off putting (especially if they have my stomach) 🤮 Alright buzzkillington! I appreciate the response and I am fully aware that I can't push any of my interests on my children. I was just looking to hear of successful / positive examples of how people might have done so with cigars
  8. We can't talk with the current UK market, but I will never understand US property. It's either stupidly reasonable (a 5-6 bed for $200-300k or hundreds of millions)
  9. I thought I'd start a thread as I am planning ahead (my first has just turned 2) and I am interested to know how others here might be planning or currently have their children involved in this venerable hobby. I know plenty of people who have (similar to wine / port) bought a particular box in the year and/or month of their child's birth; to enjoy with them at an appropriate date. Whether it is sharing such a box or other tips / stories on how you do this I would be very interested to know. Cheers!
  10. Is this like knock off Fanta? Now this sounds interesting....with how I take my bloody Mary's I'd worry the spice would overwhelm the Hoyo
  11. Tbh bud that looks fine to me! Ignore the analogue and stick to your digital ones. Personally I would use 72° packs but that is a matter of what your shooting for
  12. Hello you! Thanks for the suggestion to join. I'm sure I'll 'see' you around
  13. Great thread @El Presidente and sorry for all the bother! Good news you can keep FoH. I suppose if one had to change I'd keep a similar sentiment or swap out with synonyms: - Companions of Cubans (CoC, or Cocs as a description of a group of smokers) - Lovers of the Leaf - Pals of the Puro - Society of the Stogie I'm sure others can think of some other combinations 🙂 would also understand though if you wanted a complete rebrand
  14. This is all within acceptable boundaries, so I wouldn't worry too much (unless you are particular about your RH). Would need pictures / more info but it sounds like the hygrometer showing higher is an integrated analogue hair hygrometer? If so these are not the most accurate (even if properly calibrated) so I'd defer to the digital ones. Its also worth noting that with wood humis the transfer of humidity between the wood and the packs means there is always an expected loss of anywhere from 2-5% from what is stated on the Boveda pack (see the Boveda website for more info). Finally with Boveda I find bigger is better. I initially used multiple 60g packs and the humidity wasn't as consistent throughout as I'd like. Changed to a 320g and it's much better! Happy to provide pictures of my own if helpful and hope this helps! Like a hawk
  15. Might have just been that one's I had were more loosely packed, but I assumed it was a construction thing for that stick. Would be interested if others found the same. I have not worked my way that far up the higher strength sizes yet but would love to try. That and the Partagas D6 or petit Coronas Especiales
  16. Nice review, I think they are absolutely smashing! My favourite of the higher strength Cubans (can't do them in bigger formats) and top favourite of the minutos. Its actually a smoke in 20-30 mins whereas others (like the RASCC) are so well packed they can last 40+ mins. Also one of the few I've nubbed. Love the meaty pepperiness, goes very well with warm sun and beer
  17. Welcome friend! Nice to see others from the UK 🙂
  18. Never seen it before, is it like Chai? Nice! The sophisticated version of a fag and cup of builders tea. Matcha is also apparently v good
  19. Man after my own heart! Not enough small formats
  20. Haha, time wasted / well spent google image searching campaigns and ads for my favourite brands. They don't do ads like they used to! Hadn't thought of that in cars to aid pairing. Although there is no way id ever want to waste a good stick driving - I'd leave that to the pub / cigar lounge
  21. Prefer smaller for storage / price reasons. I'd love to buy a nice 50 cab one day but usually budget / tax and the fact I've only currently got a 70 stick desktop humidor prevent this. Only point I'd add is that didn't Habnos already test teen sized boxes with most of the Trinidad range?
  22. Wowsers! Thanks for the tip El Prez, that sounds mad. Was going to say I've never heard I'd this stuff but apparently it's £20 at the local Tesco... image it also might go well with my Punch 48s
  23. I can imagine this works. Have never tried tonic (or gin) but some swear by it. Sautter in the UK launched a gin specifically designed for cigar pairings https://youtu.be/Tn75mhbEy8E
  24. In answer to the topic question...it depends how much you like Punch

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