Going a little unorthodox here. Had I seen this prior to smoking #4 earlier I would have taken some picture. I’m not going to mention what cigar I believe this to be because of the competition but if it’s what I think it was, the last one I had treated me exactly the same way. This cigar was a very nice looking pyramid that I’ve had in a ziplock with a 62% boveda for 3 months so the moisture should have been right in my sweet spot. When I cut it, it was obvious this cigar was going to be trouble. Almost no draw at all.. I did some work with the perfectdraw and got a little airflow going so decided to push forward. It lit very reluctantly and offered very little smoke. After relighting about 8 times to get through the first inch, all I was getting out of it was harsh, tannic flavors. After fighting it for almost an hour, the bottom couple inches of wrapper were starting to crack and peel off. I decided to cut a couple inches off of it to clear the damaged portion and hopefully bypass the plug but this did little to help. It seemed that the only way I could get decent smoke through it was to keep the lighter on it and that wasn’t going to happen. Ultimately, between the way it burned and the little I was able to get out of it, I think I know what it was and would definitely classify this cigar as a constant nemesis.