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About Dispence

  • Birthday 01/13/1974

Profile Information

  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Arsenal FC, Wine, Travel, Music, Cigars

Dispence's Achievements


Perlas (1/5)

  1. As of October 2014, I've seen the Pixies 25 times. I've traveled around the world to see them. #25 was at the Hollywood Bowl. Doolittle is my second favorite album of all time (A Love Supreme is # 1). Caribou is my favorite Pixies song... So amazing live!!! Joey Santiago lives in my neighborhood, though I've never had the guts to tell him "hey Joey, you are a golden God!"
  2. Home, Michael Mina (Bourbon Steak), BLT Steak.
  3. ***** Modelo is the only Mexican beer I drink with any regularity... Not a huge fan of Victoria.
  4. Brilliant!!! Congrats brother!
  5. I've been following Arsenal in the EPL for about 15 years. I have many friends from North London, so I kind of inherited their team. It used to be unbelievably difficult to follow and I used to watch dodgy streams online. NBC Sports now has some of the best EPL coverage in the world. I can watch EVERY game on TV at home. We actually have better coverage than they do in the UK, much to the chagrin of my mates... I actually never miss a game. I can even watch on my phone if I can't be at home. The World Cup is amazing, but there is nothing like following a club team. I was able to go the the WC in the US in 94 and France in 98. The sport is growing everyday. The MLS is kind of a joke league to me, but when people from the US watch REAL football, they get it... I wouldn't be surprised if Soccer/football leap-frogged one of the top 3 sports in the next generation. The growing latino population, along with the growth among native sports fans - not to mention it's growth among kids, could make it one of our biggest sports in 20 years. I also want to mention, as the sport becomes more popular, more kids will want to play soccer instead of the top 3 sports. In a generation or 2 we could be contenders for the World Cup. Imagine the best strong safety or point guard playing soccer instead of American football, or basketball. We'd kill it!
  6. What?!?! I love the diversity in DC, but largest Latino population?!?! http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._cities_with_large_Hispanic_populations
  7. The problem with the 2000, 2005 and the 2009 vintages for me is that they are great out of the shoot, but don't have longevity. What l like to call "restaurant wines"... All great producers will make a great wine, but those warmer years are wines that won't stand the test of time. I'm actually digging my 04 Bordeaux more than my 05 because I'm starting to see it come around. Coming back to the states for a second, the perfect example is the 1997 Napa Cabs vs the 98s. 97 was a heralded vintage, but those wines are dead. The 98s are drinking superb. Back to France. I love French wine, my 1st true (wine) love. Especially Burgundy. The coolest thing about Burgs are they will fix themselves over time in those "poorer" vintages. My favorite wine in the past 12 months was a 1974 Corton-Charlemagne - my birth year. For those not familiar this is a white wine and a poor vintage. Totally blew me and some of my Sommelier friends AWAY!!! Definitely not disparaging your 05s, but drink em now and put down some 04s and 06s. Great post BTW!
  8. Vodka/club soda with a Lemon or lime. Super low-cal, and pretty much inert with any cigar.
  9. FOTFL!!! Commie B! She has great shows and guests, but half the time I'm just hoping she lives through the duration of the show! Can you imagine her on a O'Reilly rant?!?!
  10. I would think the your equivalent might be closer to MSNBC. Other than Morning Joe, it's very liberal. I turned my conservative leaning brother on to NPR years ago and he agreed outright that they try and show all issues of a story. He listens every day now. They always have the other side give words. I think they run stories of a more "left-leaning" influence... Things like environmental issues, immigration issues from the opposite side of what FOX might put on, but they always give multiple sides of a story. Not some talking heads, but true intelligent ideas from all sides. I read the Guardian (left-leaning) and the Economist (conservative mag from the UK in a fiscal sense), and I feel for the most part NPR is as balanced in their journalism as these 2 newspapers are. They actually practice ethical journalism - mistakes might be made, but there are serious corrections when something goes awry. I actually read Drudge and the National Review as well to keep myself balanced. William F Buckley was a very well spoken conservative and I loved his point of view on a number of issues. Have you ever seen FOX apologize or retract something? They say the same thing over and over again until you believe it must be true. I wouldn't argue that the same could be said for MSNBC. http://mediamatters.org/research/2011/03/11/npr-is-fair-conservatives-and-media-critics-def/177500 http://www.poynter.org/news/mediawire/174826/survey-nprs-listeners-best-informed-fox-news-viewers-worst-informed/
  11. ^^^^ Me too brother! FYI - LSU used to have a great NPR station. Great jazz at nights and on weekends. There is a show on NPR called Fresh Air and almost every TV show, album, or film they discuss is as solid as they come... I've learned about some of my favorite movies and TV shows by listening.
  12. Depending on the program, NPR might be the most balanced news station in the states. I listen everyday and there is always someone arguing the opposite POV on a story. ACTUAL discourse in the USA, who'd a thunk it... CNN, a FOX news station in Oklahoma City, Breitbart and others have this story as well. I wish it was a joke Ken! Direct from the horses mouth, the Governor himself: http://gov.texas.gov/news/press-release/20805
  13. It only takes one... I'm actually not THAT lucky. I think I ended up with 12 entries. I couldn't say no to a couple things Rob threw up at the end of the month. Bolivar Super Coronas and Cohiba Piramides Extra.
  14. ^^^^ This is awesome! Hahaha! Love it!
  15. WOW!!! I'm in shock!!! Thanks so much! I'm glad I emptied my penny bank to buy those last few boxes! Amazing! I'm looking forward to it! Thanks again for putting on the competition!

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