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  • Location
    On a sand bar
  • Interests
    Ceramics, Corgies, Cycling, Drumming, Skiing, and of course Cuban Cigars. I spent all of my money on Cuban cigars and skiing. The rest I wasted.

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  1. I went to three big ski resorts this winter and all had a no cash policy. Aspen, Snowbird, and Killington. The no cash thing is also being coupled with self check out and a food tray put under a scan will produce a sum to be paid by CC. Just like my local back water supermarket. You know all this already, but to see in action a “no cash” policy covering a retail resort like Ski Corp is kind of startling. The savings must be immense or they wouldn’t be adopting the policy and WTF are the people with a stack of bills going to do with their hard earned untaxed cash? Oh, that’s right, the gov’t doesn’t want you to be able to use cash because it’s hard to tax and trace electronically. So the idea that it’s a right to use cash, if it is indeed a right, will be gone sooner than later. When’s the last time you saw a brinks truck? The poor suffering people in Charleston Massachusetts must be crying in their beer.
  2. QD 52 HU #2 A $325 box of CORO
  3. I have trouble keeping my cigars dry during the humid months. It’s harder to keep humidity low than increasing it. I use these a lot. Dry & Dry 10 Gram [30 Packets] Silica Gel Packets
  4. MCDE RASS Partagas P2 BBF Punch Punch If anyone in the car doesn't want to smoke they should make their own transportation arrangements. I've never had any luck fishing and smoking. I can't keep the cigar dry. Before and after dinner around the fire suit me.
  5. Big Boveda packs can read a couple of % higher than they are rated. In my desk top a 62% Boveda ran 65% all winter. Use 58s. My experience has been that any bitter taste is a product of moisture. Almost all of my cigars got good when I accepted that they belong at 60% RH.
  6. My relationship goes by the cigars I have that are “ready”. I usually have 4 or 5 cigars that I smoke from consistently until they are finished and then replace them as needed. Right now it’s MC#1, MCDE, PSD#4, BPC, Siglo 4, Punch Punch, and a few others on a less consistent basis.
  7. Of course not. It has to be 9 am somewhere!
  8. For me the JL #2 requires age. I had a fiver years ago and remember being disappointed with the first few. So I put the rest away and forgot about them. The last one had the citrus flavor and blew me away. Nice review and pics.
  9. Nice review. At their best the CORO is an iconic cigar. Trouble is there are wonderful Cuban Robustos, at the bargain price of about $25, (I can't believe I just typed that) available that will scratch my itch for the vitola.
  10. I am stuck on unobtanium. I often give away cigars that have been given to me, mostly NWs. Cuban cigars? It depends and since I’m not likely to sell a box I’m apt to give you a few if you need them. A good friend who is a very fine interior painter says he has a set hourly rate built into the quote. For friends and family he doubles it.
  11. Nice intro. Where about are you in NE? I’m on the Cape.

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