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About Chicago

  • Birthday January 21

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  • Location
    Chicago, Illinois
  • Interests
    fishing, reading, U.S. civil war, international politics, guitars and cee-gars.

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Marevas (2/5)

  1. Prez, I have a school event for my son to go to tonight so feel free to give my spot away and good luck to all.
  2. Well Played, TMAC. Thank you, Prez for hosting a fine tournament!
  3. I'm in, Rob. Thank you for hosting.
  4. Doesn't look like any salmon I have ever seen. Something is fishy....
  5. You cannot imagine the joy that awaits you! All the best.
  6. Thanks for hosting Rob. Great game all.
  7. Same to you, AntiVirus. Well played.
  8. Looks like beach weather in Chicago! Godspeed back home.
  9. There is nothing like a lung malady when it comes to killing my desire for cigars. I have occasional bronchitis and seasonal allergies and they both kill my desire for a cigar, via, I think, my taste buds.
  10. I think it's a cucumber wrapped in tinfoil.

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