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About TheCoach

  • Birthday 11/19/1984

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    Shameless purveyor of football knowledge , Hopelessly infatuated with oily wrappers, clouds of smoke, funny women, Highland Scotch, Good Music, & Great People...

TheCoach's Achievements


Perlas (1/5)

  1. Just got a new job... Roughly a 45% raise from my old gig... Me and my girlfriend had a celebration dinner here in DC... As the dinner progressed my girlfriend noticed me picking up my phone numerous times smiling into my screen... She smiled and said "You told your parents didn't you? I know their excited baby! Tell your mom I said hi!" I reached across the table intimately grabbed her hand looked her straight in eyes and said: "Baby, Rob just put up a 12:12 over nighter for a box of HDM EPI 2's for only $168.00, and I can afford them!" She gently smiled and told me: "I'll pick up the check, it's your day baby"...... I'm marrying this girl!!!!
  2. No steak all sizzle... $25k my ass!
  3. No steak all sizzle... $25k my ass!
  4. I had a box of PL Extras... Straight Fruit bomb... And some Cohiba Piramides
  5. I literally just read this post and in my recent search for the right set up im a believer! Im buying a up right frost free freezer!
  6. Will Do! As long as you meet me there when I do, I might need a wingman for when I keel over.... HTTR BABY!!!
  7. Turn on my computer and I open 3 windows on to 3 different screens: DVSPORTS (film watching database) - Projector FOH/ESPN - Computer monitor (during work I lurk the topics, need to post more) Weight Room Surveillance Camera- Picture in Picture (I like to snoop in on the morning workouts for my boys)
  8. I'm fairly new to smoking cigars (3 years), and I started out with what I could get my hands on at my local B&M. For about the first year, the spectrum of cigars I smoked was all over the place with no rhyme or reason. In my mind I wanted to find that "perfect cigar" that fit me and that I loved. After being shoved my last "bargain 5 pack" I was at the end of my rope. And then it happened, I found FOH, I've learned a ton on here and developed my palate, but one thing I still cant differentiate to save my life is the strength or body of the cigar. I watch reviews and there seems to be a criteria for "just under medium", "medium bodied", "full bodied", "medium to full bodied" and I haven't picked up on the indicators of smoking a cigar that give that information (almost immediately it seems) to most of you guys on here when you give reviews. What am I missing?
  9. The "Floral" flavor always hits me when I feel like there is a light perfume, not dark enough to be herbal, like the Green Tea of a Cohiba Piramide Extra, but more of a fragrant womans perfume, like the Partagas D4.
  10. For me its the only way I can taste all of the flavors the cigar has to offer. but I just don't take a pull from the cigar and push it through my nose. Its kind of hard to explain, I open up my nasal cavity to allow the smoke to come through my nose while tasting the smoke on my palate through my mouth. For me that's the only way I get to taste the cigar, I also noticed that some flavors just don't get recognized for me unless I put the smoke through my nose.
  11. I usually smoke when I have the opportunity to take my time. So in the mornings I smoke inside a little nook I built in my bay window. I crack the windows just enough to let the smoke filter outside. Also, after a long day of practice I linger behind the entire team and coaching staff and light a stick right on the field, it's pure heaven. I'm guaranteed atleast an hour and a half of "me time".
  12. I started my entire hobby based off of the advice and guidance from the members of this forum, and for the most part all of you have great knowledge, opinions, and experiences with CC'S. I've listened to most of them, and they are all different and unique in their own way. However, the only common denominator amongst the entire forum is this: CC's are a quality driven product, that must be smoked only at a certain level, and even still you are likely to come across some bad apples in the bunch. In my search for good cigars i have been BURNT by other sites, and forums. It would be a shame if the programmed were to be discontinued in my opinion. My resources for good CC's isn't as extensive as some, this is my only outlet to see what I'm getting and trust that its good.

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