Mr. Japan

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Everything posted by Mr. Japan

  1. Long shot...this week I will be in Cape Town. Any advice? Wine, Touring, Cigar Shops and Lounges?
  2. Plenty Flavored Toscano in Italy...never tried one. I run away from them if I get in room with anisette/coffee etc etc flavours.
  3. Bollinger RD...Cigars too many to choose, will decide on the moment (not in advance).
  4. Great to catch up Prez., unfortunately no lunch but plenty of beer:-)
  5. Brilliant. Next time come to Campania region.
  6. Unique, I agree 100%. I remember first time we did it in Italy it was with a Montecristo no.4......
  7. I hope to not see more Non-Cuban brands using Cuba for marketing reasons.
  8. Will keep following...never say never.
  9. I'm not a fan of Kentucky (and Connecticut) tobacco at all. But friends that smoke them say that a great Toscano is the MASTERAGED. Please see : Now in Italy there are other companies that are in competition to Toscano and these are :
  10. I was in London for the HWD and launch of Trinidad 55 Cabildos, the most interesting part for me was the seminar where we heard that soon Habanos will come out with a super vintage (or grand vintage)... Just bullshitting marketing where they want to sell to young smoker a 5, lucky a 10 years old cigar and call it vintage overcharging it. My personal classification for Cuban cigars is My Classification of Havana cigars Baby directly from the roller Fresh < 1 year Young 1 - 3 years Mature >3 to 10 Aged >10-20 Vintage >20 over Historical >30 over Monumental > 50 Nothing below 20 can be called vintage . just my 0.2 cents.
  11. I feel the PerfectDraw is much better for our babies.
  12. Cash is cash, no gaming here. When you feel touching it, it's a pleasure but I have to say that now at least 90% of my daily payments are tap on phone. What happens if battery of phone is down (no physical card with me) so when overseas always have 500 Euro/US$ on me.
  13. When you smoke you smoke one cigar so : Cuban Cigars Honduras Cigar Nicaragua Cigars Brazil Cigar Italian Cigar Dominican Cigar etc
  14. PL Petit Corona Bolivar Petit Corona Diplo no.4 Ramon Allones/Partagas Petit Coronas
  15. Thank you guys. Not going to buy cigars for sure but if it is not friendly I will not even smoke, everyone says it's a beautiful city so I will enjoy walking around. I will be anyhow coming from a long smoking weekend, so can stay few days without a good smoke.
  16. Hi Canadians brothers. I will be in Vancouver few days in May. Any place where it is possible to go and enjoy a good smoke? Cigar lounge or cigar bar or a good restaurant with a smoking area?
  17. Happy St Patrick's Day!
  18. A true friend has gone, definitively he will be in good company smoking up in the blue sky. Nothing else I can add, both Prez and Alexander have put down in words his character and life. Thank you Dr.Nip for sharing since 2007 many cigars, champagne, porto, stories.
  19. If you want a cheap cigar, just get into this auction pdf booklet. 🙂 Anyhow, he's one of the biggest collectors in the world, who with his book initiated most of us to collection and vintage, and has decided to sell all or part of his collection. Will it mean that prices have reached the peak? Is this really the momentum to sell or to continue buying? 2024 Madison MRN CIGAR .pdf
  20. I hope my Reyes will go back to a more reasonable price, just above Partags Shorts. I pray for this to happen, but I have the feeling that they will completely stop the production of all vitals that are on the shelves and keep running new ones, coming out at better positioned price. And yes, let's see if the new LE and the new Robusto extra will be at Trinidad levels.
  21. My first red Dupont Jet Flame lasted 11 years then I lost it ( do not think stolen as it was all scratched). never let me down and I used regular gas (not original Dupont). The new Dupont purchased after lasted few years and started giving me problems. The non jet flame Dupont (over 500 US$) also last years and years. have few of them, but frankly I also use them less.
  22. Proudly watched the final of AO and we have a new big player in the Tennis world. The Italian Jannik Sinner came back for 0-2 to win 3-2 the Final of the Australian Open. Congrats!

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