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Everything posted by SerieT

  1. i wouldnt think that the discrepancies between cigars would be so blatant , with all the talk about more effort into quality control ... im disappointed
  2. You will be dearly missed Allistar! best wishes on your new ventures!
  3. to be only able to select 2 is very hard due to the fact that they are all great smokes!
  4. Id have to say Dip 4 and Dip 5
  5. Welcome... Its nice having a more canadians on this forum
  6. good to see the whole group reunited ! looks like it was an awesome time!!
  7. It was a Sad day for me when they DC most of the Dip this day i have not found a cigar that could fill that void
  8. Whoa retro!! Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 2
  9. where are they getting their information from? especially Luis Sanchez-Harguindey? who here likes short fat cigars? just mind boggling
  10. way to go ken!! congrats
  11. Cant Go wrong with a CoRo!
  12. CoRo and the lancero
  13. thats a very ingenious idea!! thanks for sharing
  14. its a shame that some people just don't have any class now and days
  15. Canada: CoRo Monte 4 Boli Pc robusto petite corona/minuto Corona Gorda
  16. this is considered very prestigious to drink this coffee in many parts of asia
  17. Weber for the win!! Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 2
  18. your one lucky guy! great pick up
  19. awesome idea! thanks for sharing cheers
  20. i love having one with a morning coffee and the review! cheers, t
  21. you will be missed smitty..happy travels!
  22. Rob are you using reverse psychology to buy psd5 or are you serious about them? Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 2
  23. 2 boxes pe for me please Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 2

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