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Everything posted by jimschn

  1. The Queens. Unless Kirk Cousins starts sensing pressure better, I don't have much hope for them.
  2. Congrats to the men's team they were clearly the best of the tourney
  3. If they take the NHLers out Russia will win all the time like in the 70s and 80s
  4. They're not even a real country anyway!
  5. Wow is team America sucking today.. I figured it would be gold or nothing when we had Canada in the semis and it's sure looking like nothing at this point...
  6. Go Sweden!!! All in all though, I'd rather have North American refs.. The inexperienced officials cost the American women the game in OT due to a couple phantom penalties. That wasn't even close to slashing by Lamoureux, and on the breakaway that never would have happened if not for that bad call, their skates may have tangled, but otherwise the American didn't touch wickenheiser.
  7. Wow, they're hot.. What a bullshit penalty the one took in OT that was the worst call I've ever seen...
  8. The American ones are too.. Check out Hannah Teter.
  9. That PSD 6 sounds like an absolute waste of money. 3.5" so you're smoking 2.5 at best. Any bets they price higher than the 4's when released?
  10. The Cohiba one, yes
  11. Why would you want to watch that? It would be painful to watch..
  12. Those Lusis and Reyes look great
  13. My 1st was a Cohiba Siglo IV.. Still one of the best boxes I've ever had
  14. Tried PMing you, but it says you can't receive messages..
  15. Wow.. Not as high as I figured
  16. Mine came today too.. For some reason the ribbon had slipped to the bottom of the box
  17. They (Denver) reminded me of my Vikings in the 2001 NFL Championship
  18. He said he got the last one at that price. Kinda ugly on the outside but what a deal!
  19. 750 eur for the RyJ is what I've seen.
  20. Metallica Summer Sanitarium 2003 Battery
  21. It does the same thing on my Galaxy S4 Active.

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