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  1. Today
  2. When the potential’s there, but she hasn’t quite blossomed. Will revisit this batch in late May. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Work of Art
  4. Caught in the gulf on reefs using squid. I don’t think they are typically caught in enough numbers to show up in fish stores with any regularity and yes, they are very rarely on menus.
  5. Assortments of sashimi (toro, salmon, mackerel…) King Salmon (wild) Sea Bass Swordfish Snapper
  6. It really is kind of sad. The food actually was never anything special but it was decent imho. I loved the fries. Hooters was more about the atmosphere(obviously). I've spent many a night at hOOters😁. We used to have a "bike night" at my local Hooters and we'd all get together and ride up there. The restaurant was really cool about it too. They would have everything set up for us with the parking lot cordoned off for our cycles. Ahhh good times!
  7. Serie du Connaisseur No 3 POS MAY 06
  8. Tried a custom cigar from a local shop. Rolled by AJ Fernandez. It sucks and I generally like Sumatra. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Mods forgive me as I don’t intend to break the rules here if to say something negative would be to? All I’ll say to OP is that you should probably just google information regarding that website as you will learn a lot by doing that. RIP
  10. All self caught: Bluefin Tuna Yellowfin Tuna Black Sea Bass Fluke Blackfish Sourced from others or restaurant: Chilean Seabass Bronzino Monkfish
  11. FYI - top right stick in that pic is rumored to be in Artie's x-ray. Cheers
  12. Best guesses are Buffalo or Oklahoma City. Cheers
  13. BUSTed ASSets in Hooters Bankruptcy DDisaster.
  14. I wish them the breast of luck.
  15. Hooters going bust. Say it ain't so.
  16. Too Sad. I will be missing their thighs.
  17. Total crap food. I'm 58 and ate there once decades ago. Good riddance. I make my own authentic Buffalo wings at home. No need for Hooters wings or anything else there.
  18. Looks like one's being granted the privilege of being the first to let them sit.
  19. A fitting post for National Cat Day (Japan).
  20. This is the Worst Travesty in U.S. History. The chicken wings were good, the breasts were phenomenal!!! Wing House had something to do with this. It’s a conspiracy. 🤔😔
  21. Yesterday
  22. Thanks for keeping us abreast of the news...
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